Late Autumn Garden Tasks

Written by: Glenice Buck

autumn in the garden

• Start preparing any garden areas where you plan on planting out bare rooted trees and roses. Dig through organic garden compost or composted animal manure to build up the soil.

• Start making plans or get started on dividing any perennials such as Agapanthus, Sedums, Salvias, Ornamental Grasses and Day Lilies. As a general guide, any spring or summer flowering perennials can be divided in autumn. For some plants they may still be flowering so make sure they are finished before dividing. Ideally, division should happen just before the ground gets too cold or if you are in a snow zone, before the ground freezes.

• Aim to mulch all garden areas. It is good to do this after fertilising beds. Giving the beds a blanket of mulch now will help protect plants from frost damage, suppress weed growth and prepare them for the start of spring. If you do have lots of fallen deciduous leaves, don’t forget you can use these as mulch. Ideally, compost these first.

• Plant out spring flowering bulbs.

• Install frost protection (physical barrier) around any frost tender plants. As an alternative to a physical barrier, you could also try a combination of a good layer of mulch, treat regularly with a seaweed emulsion such as Eco Seaweed and water well the day before you know there will be a heavy frost.

• Take a note of any dead branches in larger trees that could be removed in coming months.

• If you grow citrus be aware of fruit fly. If you notice any signs of fruit fly you will need to start treatment.

• Now is a good time to repot your indoor plants, liquid fertilise and ensure they have a good light position for the winter months.

• Now is a great time to start a compost bin with all of your deciduous leaves.

Glenice Buck Designs – Target

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