Local Singer-Songwriter Drops New Single

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Harry Cleverdon

He has done the rounds of Australia’s music festivals, he has entered the talent quests, and had some wins along the way, and right before the world was shut down by COVID, he won the People’s Voice category at Nashville, USA’s International songwriting competition.

He’s also been the opening act for the likes of Troy Cassar-Daly and Isaiah Fibrace - something that doesn’t happen unless you’ve proved your salt.

Young local, 20-year-old Harry Cleverdon spent COVID lockdowns working on his music, and has just released his single Just For A While across all digital platforms.

“A lot of this was sort of written during COVID lockdowns,” Cleverdon said.

“It was good for me. I had plenty of time to reflect and write stuff about my experiences.”

His love of music all began when his parents presented his four-year-old self with a plastic keyboard.

“I learned all the songs in this little book that came with it,” Cleverdon said.

“After I’d done that, Mum and Dad were like, maybe we should get him some lessons.”

Harry studied piano at the School of Music in Young.

“I have great respect for them,” Harry said.

“They’ve been around for a lot of years now and they’re still ahead of just about everybody.”

“When I was about 12, I think I was just singing for my dad when he suggested I do some busking at the Cherry Festival,” Harry said.

In true Harry Cleverdon style, he gave it a go. Eventually he got some singing lessons and everything else snowballed from there. He studied classical piano up to Grade 8.

Now he plays multiple instruments, and writes, records, produces and markets his own original work.

Harry’s current goal is to build an organic audience with his current single, which ultimately forms part of a full album.

“Everybody from the hometown has been really supportive, but I want to build the momentum for when the album drops,” he said.

“I can’t wait to share what I’ve done.”

Harry writes from the heart and then records his own instruments and vocals to make sure that his lyrics come across with the right emotion.

He released his debut EP From My Side Of The Stage in October 2019.

Being a musician of any worth is a great deal of work, Harry is constantly practicing his craft.

His mother, Elke Cleverdon, is just one of his fans. “It’s always great to see young people follow their dreams and talents,” Ms Cleverdon said.

“He has stacks of talent and works incredibly hard to do both uni and his original music as an artist.”

“He just needs a sprinkle of luck to meet the right person or write the right song for the moment to break through.”

Let’s get behind this homegrown talent and stream and share his original music and be a small part of his amazing journey.

Just For A While is streaming at https://ffm.to/justforawhilesingle.

Harry will open for Wendy Matthews at the Harden Country Club on the 23rd of this month.

Hilltops of the beaten track

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