Maimuru Public School to celebrate centenary

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Maimuru Public School

Next year, on the 3rd of April 2021, Maimuru Public School will be celebrating their 100 year anniversary.

Staff at Maimuru Public School are looking to put together a book about the history of the school, the surrounding area and the families who have lived in Maimuru. The school is calling out to past students of the school to contribute photographs, anecdotes and/or their memories of their time spent at Maimuru Public School.

Maimuru Public School class

To be included in the book, staff are asking for contributions to be emailed or sent to the school by mail by the 5th of June, 2020 so there will be enough time to compile the book and have copies printed in time for the centenary celebrations. The email address to submit contributions to is The mail address to submit contributions to is Maimuru Public School, School Road, Maimuru via Young 2594.

More details about the celebrations to take place on the day will be clarified closer to the time. Past and present staff, students and people associated with the school are being encouraged to put the date in their diary. Staff are hoping as many people as possible will attend the centenary celebrations as they look back at the last 100 years of Maimuru Public School.

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