Monteagle Public School

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

IMAGES: Top Left: Crazy Hair Day. TopRight: Vegetables picked from the vege garden. Bottom Left: Music with Mark Corkery. Bottom Right: Tennis lessons with Col Maher.

2020 has certainly been a year like no other! COVID restrictions has meant that we have been unable to participate in our usual extra-curricular activities with the other small schools in Young, but we have been very busy doing lots of other exciting activities within our school.

Monteagle students love raising money to help others in the community. We participated in Crazy Hair Day to raise money for cystic fibrosis and Jeans for Genes Day, which raises money for research into childhood diseases. Our students also donated items for Operation Christmas Child, which sends shoe boxes full of presents to children in need overseas. We have boxes in the mail at the moment, which will brighten the life of a disadvantaged child somewhere in the world!

Every year, our students are very fortunate to have Col Maher from the Young Tennis Club come out to our school (yes, we have our own tennis court) and give each child lessons. This happens every Thursday during Term 3. By the end of the term, most of our students can quite comfortably play a social game of tennis.

Mark Corkery, from the Young Regional School of Music, was able to return to our school in Term 3 to tutor all students in music. This involves students learning marimbas, ukuleles and the drums. We are aiming to have a virtual jam session before the end of the year with the other small schools in the Young area. Mark comes out every Friday morning with all students eagerly awaiting his arrival.

Harmony Day is always a fun day at Monteagle School. Everybody wears orange and everybody cooks! We cook amazing dishes from other countries as well as play games and do art activities with foreign origins.

Everybody at Monteagle School is very much looking forward to Kinder Orientation. Our 2021 kindergarten students will be coming to school each Tuesday until the end of Term 4. They will be making friends with all of our other students as well as learning about what is expected of them at big school. They will be doing lots of fun activities to help them with their learning.

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