Murrimboola Creek Precinct Revitalisation Causes Talk

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: With a little patience and modern environmental engineering, the Murrimboola Creek Precinct revitalisation project will be a huge asset for Harden Murrumburrah.

The beautification of the Murrimboola Creek Precinct may be taking a little longer than some locals would like, but the end result will help put Harden Murrumburrah on the tourist map.

The project received a total of $3 million from the Building Better Regions Program which has already seen a brand new toilet block and barbecue facilities completed, and work is set to begin soon on a new children’s playground.

Flooding issues have caused people to talk about whether the plan is still a good idea, and if the funding should be filtered into other projects.

Mill owner Greg Medway, however, said the design for the Murrimboola Creek Precinct was futuristic and stunning, complementing the Silo Artworks and the new Bill the Bastard monument in the nearby Mill Park, Murrumburrah.

“Both these new sites have significantly increased visitor/tourism and have given Harden Murrumburrah, for the first time, a visual asset identity, a focus that tourists and the public can connect to Harden Murrumburrah,” Mr Medway said.

“The Murrimboola Creek Project will add to this quickly developing new industry of tourism, and create new opportunities and new jobs in our town.”

“Yes, there are flood problems, but with modern engineering and environmental processes these can be mitigated.”

Extensive landscaping and waterworks will feature in the creek revitalisation, helping to create a major attraction for visitors to the area.

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