National Meals on Wheels Day on the 25th of August

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Don’t forget Meals on Wheels are celebrating National Meals on Wheels Day on the 25th of August. Celebrations have been postponed for a date to be advised. Please do not forget the importance of the grass roots of this service to our community. Young Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organisation servicing the Young region for nearly 60 years.

They offer a variety of services including meals, outings and a carers group. Hot meal delivery is available 7 days a week in Young township. Frozen meal deliveries are available weekly to Young township and fortnightly to all areas within Hilltops LGA.

Regular client luncheons, outings and day trips are offered which provide community inclusion and reduce social isolation. Welfare checks make Meals on Wheels ‘more than just a meal’.

The Carers Group holds monthly meetings as well as luncheons and day trips which provide information and respite for carers.

Volunteers are the backbone of Young Meals on Wheels, having over 130 wonderful volunteers. There are currently vacancies for meal delivery volunteers and the volunteer based committee.

If you’re interested in receiving Meals on Wheels or volunteering or know someone who is, call for an information package on 6382 5008 or talk to the team at 133 Main St (Marie McCormick Building), Young. Office hours are 10:30am to 2:00pm Monday to Friday.

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