News From Murrumburrah Harden Rotary

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGES: The Club has had a very busy start to the year.

Murrumburrah-Harden Rotary has had a busy start to the year, with a few meetings under their belt as well as a farewell.

At the meeting on January the 15th, Murrumburrah School Prinicipal Renee Ford spoke to the Club about the value of the Club’s reading program to the school.

Renee’s daughter Sophie, this year’s school captain, then presented each Rotarian with a card handmade by the class and chocolates as thank you gifts for the books.

Next up was a farewell for Jim and Rhana Wright who are moving to South Australia. Rotarian Rita O’Connor said, “Jim has been in our Rotary Club since 1984 and is our longest serving member.”

The meeting on the 12th of February saw John Livermore, President of the Young Club, give a presentation on scams and how to avoid them.

At the last meeting on the 26th of February, Jonathon Nicholls gave a talk on the Southern Allbreeds Handlers Camp.

“This year’s camp is coming up in August, and the camps have been successfully running since 2016, giving up to 160 participants training and experience in all aspects of preparing and showing cattle,” said Ms O’Connor.

Also at the last meeting was the induction of the Club’s first new member of the year, Karen Transwell.

“We are thrilled to have her join us, and she has already been enthusiastically contributing, helping with the community garden and putting her hand up for a number of upcoming events,” said Ms O’Connor.



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