Nominations For 2024 NSW Volunteer Of The Year Awards Now Open

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Volunteers go above and beyond to keep our communities thriving. Now you are invited to recognise those volunteers and celebrate the importance of the work they do. If you know someone who deserves to be celebrated for their community service, make sure you nominate them before Friday, June 14 and spread the word that nominations are open. The NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards are an annual program aimed at recognising the effort, dedication and community service of volunteers across the State.

This Awards program has grown to become one of the country’s largest celebrations in recognition of volunteers.

More than 133,000 nominees from over 500 organisations were recognised at State and Regional ceremonies last year.

All nominees must:

  • Live in NSW and be involved in volunteering. (Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good without financial gain.)
  • Have been involved during the 12 months (July 2023 to June 2024) with a legitimate not-for-profit organisation, community group, or other entity which engages volunteers in a safe and legal manner, such as schools or government agencies.

The eight Award categories include:

  • Young Volunteer of the Year - 24 years and under.
  • Adult Volunteer of the Year - 25 to 64 years.
  • Senior Volunteer of the Year - 65 years and over.
  • Volunteer team of the Year - two individuals or over
  • Club Voluneer of the Year - an individual or team working in a registered ClubsNSW club or on the board while carrying out volunteer activities.
  • Employee Volunteer of the Year - an individual or team volunteer as part of their organisation’s formal employee or corporate volunteering program.
  • Volunteer Leader of the Year - a designated volunteer manager, a team of volunteer managers or a registered not-for-profit orgnisation.
  • Not for Profit Voluntary Governance Award - An unpaid board of directors or individual board member, who exemplifies excellence in governance.

Visit the for more information.

Steph Cooke

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