Nutrien Young Speciality Pasture Blends

Written by: Nutrien Ag Solutions

nutrien ag solutions

At Nutrien Young, we have a range of specialty pasture blends that have been proven to perform in our local condition

Nitromax L:G 100:0

Pasture VarietiesBenefits
Stamina 5 S/S LucerneA high performance, high persistence legume blend.
Bindoon S/S Sub CloverAn excellent grazing option for sheep with the added bonus of the ability to make high quality hay or silage.
Taipan Balansa Clover S/SAn excellent grazing option for sheep with the added bonus of the ability to make high quality hay or silage.
Recommended Sowing Rate 8-10kg/ha

Lambmaxx L:G = 62: 38

Pasture VarietiesBenefits
Stamina 5 Lucerne S/SA high production balanced legume grass pasture.
Bindoon Sub Clover S/SGreat for lambing ewes or turning of prime lambs.
Temora Tall Fescue
Recommended Sowing Rate 10-12kg/ha

Springmaxx L:G 45:55

Pasture VarietiesBenefits
Taipan BalansaSpringmaxx as the name infers comes into its own with a mass production in spring that can be baled into excellent silage or hay or grazed. This is a great mix for sheep or cattle with sold autumn/winter and explosive spring growth.
Goulbourn S/S
Bindoon Sub Clover S/S
Temora Tall Fescue
Confederate Phalaris
Recommended Sowing Rate 12-15kg/ha

Cowmaxx L:G 40:60

Pasture VarietiesBenefits
Confederate PhalarisCowmaxx is a great legume to grass balance for cattle. It will provide good volumes of high value feed in a sfe package. With the addition of cocksfoot will give grass persistence in tougher areas of your paddock.
Temora Tall Fescue
Aurus Cocksfoot
Bindoon S/S Sub Clover
Leura Sub Clover S/S
Recommended Sowing Rate 12-15kg/ha

Sheepmaxx L:G 50:50

Pasture VarietiesBenefits
Stamina 5 Lucerne S/SSheepmaxx offers a balanced high performance legume grass mix for your sheep operation. This mix provides longevity of stand with high production potential.
Bindoon Sub Clover S/S
Temora Tall Fescue
Confederate Phalaris
Recommended Sowing Rate 12-15kg/ha
Nutrien Ag Solutions - Target

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