Playing Ditch Weight

Written by: Young Bowling Club

Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls

The great weather on Thursday saw 24 players on the green.

The highest margin for the afternoon was 16 shots for Harold Anderson and Joe Bargwanna.

Albert Carter and Jono Watson were not far behind with a margin of 15 shots.

Other winners were George O’Neil and Col Chapman – 11 shots, Alan Langford and Glen Benson – 6 shots, Brian Christie and John Cooper – 5 shots and Chris Wright and Darryle Miller 1 shot.

There were seven games played in the Mixed Pairs Championship over the weekend.

On Saturday Kathryn Betcher and Peter Watts won 8 of their first 9 ends against Judith and Terry Mulligan to lead 13–2. The scoring was fairly even for the remaining ends with Kathryn and Peter winning 24–15.

Jill and Denis Rosen won 7 of the first 10 ends in their game against Sheila and Cliff Traynor to lead 18–4 and won convincingly by 28 shots to 21.

The first 9 ends of the game between Therese Ruhl and Martin Betcher and Ann Gardner and Scott Douglas saw the score at 7–all. The next 5 ends were decisive as Therese and Martin moved to a 22–9 lead and they went on to win 30–11.

A further 4 games were played on Sunday afternoon.

After 12 ends of their game Margaret Gailey and Glen Benson were level with Sonia Ingall and David Quigley at 11–all. From there Sonia and David won most of the remaining ends to win the game 21–13.

Kathryn Betcher and Peter Watts continued their good form from Saturday to defeat Carol and George O’Neil 27–14.

Therese Ruhl and Martin Betcher dominated the scoring against Judy Watson and Chris Wright to win 30–6.

The final game was between John and Kate Cooper and Jill and Denis Rosen. This was a very close and low–scoring game with just 1 shot being scored on 18 of the 21 ends. The final result was a 13–12 win to John and Kate.

There were 14 players for men’s bowls on Saturday afternoon.

Joe Read and Jono Watson took out the vouchers with their 9 shot winning margin.

Other winners were Michael Webb and Ian Schofield with a margin of 4 shots and Stuart Freudenstein, Albert Carter and Vic Brown who won by 3 shots.

This weekend the club will host sectional play in the Zone 8 Singles Championship in the Senior and Open Reserve divisions.

There will be games on Saturday afternoon and also on Sunday morning and afternoon.

It has been confirmed that Young will host the Zone 8 Finals for Grade 7 Pennants on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May. The winning sides from all six sections will be involved with 72 players taking part over the weekend.

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