Playing Ditch Weight

Written by: Young Bowling Club

Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls

With winter really upon us the weather is playing a significant role in our bowls program.

It was quite a bit colder on Thursday afternoon with clouds coming in after the morning frost and the conditions saw all players well rugged up.

There were 18 players taking part and the vouchers for the afternoon went to the triples team of Harold Anderson, Tony Oyston and Aldo Malvicino with a margin of 12 shots.

Allan Langford and Joe Bargwanna won their game by 10 shots, Col Chapman and Glen Benson had a winning margin of 8 shots and Albert Carter and Steve Joliffe won their game by 2 shots.

The damp and cold conditions on Saturday morning led to the postponement of the scheduled games for the Mixed Pairs and Minor Singles.

A decision was made to reschedule all the games for these two events and all players have been notified and the new schedules are on display.

Despite the cold and cloudy conditions 12 players took part in Saturday Jackpot play.

Big margins were recorded in all three games.

David Ward and Micheal Webb won their game 29–8, Harold Anderson and Joe Read won by 29 to 13 and Glen Seward and Denis Rosen had a winning score of 24 to 8.

The sunny conditions on Sunday afternoon were much better although the spectators who were sheltered from the cold wind were probably in a better position than the players.

The two games in the Mixed Pairs Championship were transferred from Saturday.

In one game Elsie Hines and Brian Madden were opposed to Margaret Gailey and Joe Bargwanna.

This game saw an even start and after 11 ends Elsie and Brian led 10-9.

Elsie and Brian won the next 3 ends and scored 6 shots before Margaret and Joe won 3 ends and scored 6 shots.

Two big scores for Elsie and Brian in the remaining ends saw them take the game 28–15.

In the second game the teams were Glen Seward and Robyn Apps and Steve Walsh and Ann Gardner.

After 7 ends the score was 8–all but Glen and Robyn won 6 of the next 7 ends to lead 19–9.

Steve and Ann cut the margin to 19–14 but Glen and Robyn did best over the final ends to win 23–16.

The next round of the Mixed Pairs is scheduled for Saturday afternoon.

There will be three games with Glen Seward and Robyn Apps to play Jill and Denis Rosen, Sheila and Cliff Traynor to play John and Kate Cooper and Jenny and Geoff Holt to play Elsie Hines and Brian Madden.

Club members were saddened to hear of the passing of Dorothy Shepherd on Monday 17th June.

Dorothy joined the club in 1991 and served in most committee positions of the Women’s Bowling Club for more than 20 years including terms as President, Vice–President and Treasurer. She was also Treasurer of the South Western District for a number of years.

In recognition of her service to the club Dorothy was made a Life Member of the Young Bowling Club in September 2016.

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