Playing Ditch Weight

Written by: Young Women's Bowls

Image credit: Shutterstock

lawn bowls

Bowls activity during the past week started on Thursday afternoon when 16 players were involved

The vouchers for the afternoon went to Bob Potheringham and Tom Preston who won their game by 9 shots.

Michel Alavoine and Kevin Porter won their game by 4 shots, Garry Fish and Colin Powell won their game by 1 shot as did Tony Ruhl and Harold Anderson. On Saturday afternoon there were 24 players taking part.

The highest winning margin for the day was 27 shots for Stephen Walsh and Tom Preston.

Other winning teams and their margins were Greg Woods and John Cooper (15 shots), Ned Kelly and Alan Gall (12 shots), Brian March and Joe Bargwanna (10 shots), Scott Douglas and Rod Cummings (9 shots) and Albert Carter and Vic Brown (2 shots).

Players are reminded to check the notice board concerning the following – Pennants for 2021, District Fours entries (closing 28th January), District Triples entries (closing 4th February).

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