Playing Ditch Weight

Written by: Young Bowling Club

Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls

Our players have been enjoying the very pleasant weather conditions combined with excellent greens in recent days.

On Thursday afternoon there were 22 bowlers involved. The speed of the green was a problem for some players as they needed to adjust the weight of their deliveries. The vouchers for the day were won by Harry Coulson (a visitor from Canberra) and John Cooper with a margin of 17 shots.

In other big wins Brian Christie, Alan Gall and Tony Ruhl won their game by 15 shots and Chris Wright and Brian McNair had a 14 shot margin. Craig Watson and Geoff Holt won their game by 7 shots and in a low scoring game Aldo Malvicino and Joe Bargwanna won their game by 1 shot. The one shot margin was just what was needed to win the jackpot of $250.

Play on Saturday afternoon saw 18 players taking part. There was one game with a very big margin when Scott Douglas and John Cooper won their game 32 shots to 8 to win the vouchers.

All other games were much closer contests with Albert Carter and Tony Ruhl having a 3 shot margin, Ted Loader and Denis Rosen winning by 8 shots and the triples combination of Alan Langford, Bob Ruhl and Les Fanning winning their game by 7 shots.

There are details for a number of upcoming club and zone events on the notice board. These include entry forms for the Zone 8 Fours (closing on Thursday 28th September) and Zone 8 Singles (closing on Thursday 5th October). Entries for the Club Pairs Championship close on Friday 29th September. A Greenkeepers Bowls Afternoon will be held on Sunday 1st October.

This is an Open Pairs event and entries can be made as a team or as an individual. Entries close on Saturday 30th September. Sunday 8th October will see the return of Sunday Funday bowls for teams of Open Nominated Pairs. Play will start at 1.00 pm and consist of two games.

The Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Bowling Club will be held at 12.00 pm on Saturday 7th October. Nominations forms and details of the meeting are on the notice board.

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