Prioritising self-care during the pandemic

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


As we enter the extension of lockdown, prioritising your self-care is more important than ever. With added restrictions, changes in routines and associated challenges, many may be feeling additional pressures and heightened emotions.

Choosing to create space for yourself is imperative to foster your mental wellness during these challenging times. Whether this means waking up earlier or replacing tv/screen time with self-care, prioritising filling your cup will assist you in releasing tension and building resilience.

When discussing self-care & personal growth strategies with clients, I often hear ‘I have no time’. You have 168 hours every week, allocating 1 hour a day is 4.17% of your time.

Spending an hour a day connecting with yourself through meditation, yoga, breath work, journaling, affirmations, exercising, reading etc can completely shift your mindset, reduce stress levels & strengthen your immune system, improve concentration & mental clarity, increase focus & productivity, leave you feeling grounded & connected and create a greater sense of wellbeing!

Take the time to make yourself a priority, to nurture, nourish and love yourself so you can show up in your life for yourself and those around you, as the best version of you!

If you would like support in achieving this or deeper healing, you can connect with me via my website

I offer free healings every Wednesday and free guidance every Sunday from my Facebook page @amandaharrishealing.

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