Renovating An Existing Garden Bed

Written by: Glenice Buck


How to plant out around existing plants

Often existing garden beds can require a renovation or a restyling of the planting.

Over time plants may become tired looking or they have died for various reasons or you may just decide you don’t like some of the planting and want to replace them.

Planting out around existing trees, shrubs and groundcovers is usually more difficult than when you are starting out with a blank canvas.

Here are some elements to consider when it comes to planting out around existing trees and shrubs.

  • Where are and what is the extent of the existing root systems. Over time the existing plants roots will have grown (hopefully) significantly. You will need to be careful of where you are planting new plants. Any holes dug close to existing plants may mean you damage existing roots systems which will stress existing plants.

  • How big will the existing plants grow to in spread and height. Imagining the mature size all plants will grow to is a good way of working out spacing around existing plants.

  • What are the care requirements of the existing plants. Selecting plants to grow together means they will all require to have similar watering, soil and fertilising needs for them to survive.

  • What style of plants are they - will new plants tone in with existing plants. This is really a matter of opinion however I do try to group similar style plants together.

  • How will the sun/shade patterns change as the existing plants continue to grow. As plants become more established they will be taller, wider and denser, this will mean the level of light to every area will be ever changing.

  • What are their watering requirements - all plants in the one garden bed should have similar watering requirements.

If your garden is looking a bit stagnant and tired, then a garden renewal may be needed.

By taking into consideration the above factors, your garden renovation will be a success.

Glenice Buck Designs – Target

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