RFS Control Centre in Harden nearing completion

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

 Inspector Tom McDevitt, Steph Cooke MP and  Darren Hession from PWA and Zauner Constructions at the RFS Control Centre in Harden.

The multi-million dollar Rural Fire Service (RFS) Fire Control Centre in Harden is nearing completion.

The Centre is located in the RFS South West Slopes Zone and construction began in September of 2019. The brand new Centre will feature state of the art facilities which will provide better support to RFS members during incidents as well as enhanced training capabilities.

RFS Inspector Tom McDevitt said the new Fire Control Centre will feature dedicated Operations and Planning rooms and an exciting feature will be a state-of-the-art knowledge wall for situational awareness. “This Centre has been eight years in the making and we are all excited to see the project come to fruition,” Inspector McDevitt said.

“Once opened, it will offer increased opportunities for our volunteers and staff to complete training. It has been purpose designed and built to increase our response to incidents. The building will be of significance not only to Rural Fire Service volunteers and staff but also the people of Harden Murrumburrah as there will be potential for other groups within the community to use the facility, value-adding to the community.”

Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke toured the nearly completed Centre last week and said the tour highlighted how important the Fire Control Centre will be for firefighters responding to and preparing for emergencies. “It is fantastic to see the progress on this building and to know how much it will mean to the people of Harden Murrumburrah and members of the RFS. This will give them access to the latest technology for responding to incidents in the South West Slopes Zone,” Ms Cooke said.

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