Roaring Congratulations To Elisabeth Hall

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Hennessey College student, Elisabeth Hall wins overall District 201N4 Lions Youth of the Year and progresses to the State Final at Bathurst next month.

It was a roaring celebration as the Lions Club of Young returned from the District 201N4 Lions Youth of the Year Final.

The club had travelled to Gilgandra to support local Hennessey College student, Elisabeth Hall to the annual Lions Youth of the Year event on Saturday, March 11.

Six entrants represented Bathurst, Coleambally, Junee, Orange, Young and Grenfell clubs.

Miss Hall was named the overall winner and progresses to the State Final at Bathurst on April 1. The Lions Club of Young is very proud of Miss Hall’s achievements and wishes her all the best.

Ella Kay from Bathurst won the Public Speaking award.

KP Carmody

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