RSL Sub-branch Young Thanks Community

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


The RSL Sub-branch Young, Auxiliary and Cadets have thanked the community of Young for their generous support of the group’s badge-selling day and ANZAC Day events.

Speaking on behalf of the group, Colleen Beckhaus said it was nice to see such a good turn out. “We raised $1733.54 clear profit,” Ms Beckhaus said. “This is after goods purchased to sell.”

They still have a box of badges left over, which they plan to sell at their Remembrance Day sale.

“We have a number of War widows who will need help with their lawns and heavy jobs around the house,” Ms Beckhaus said.

“We are looking for someone to give us a quote on this aspect. One needs edge-cutting. Others need mowing and hedge trimming. These jobs are seasonal, not once a fortnight or weekly. Their families are helping, but at times are unavailable.”

The Sub-branch is also looking for families of World War I veterans living in the surrounding areas.

They also have a medal presentation box available for purchase.

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