Service Awards Presented To Young Hospital Auxiliary Members

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Awardees Frank, Chris, Lyn and Tilla with State President Linda Swales (2nd from left).

Awardees Frank, Chris, Lyn and Tilla with State President Linda Swales (2nd from left).

Four Young Hospital Auxiliary members have been presented with service awards by State President of the United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) Ms Linda Swales at the Auxiliary’s most recent meeting.

President Janice Ward opened the meeting with a minute’s silence in memory of member Prudence Lindsay who passed away at the end of June.

Pru joined the Hospital Auxiliary in 1980 and was elected Branch VP, before becoming Branch President, a position she maintained for four years. She was Regional Representative and State Central Committee VP in 1984.

Pru was Branch Secretary for 15 years, from August 1993 to 2007. She was awarded State Life membership in 1996 in recognition of her service.

Ms Swales then presented awards to the four members for their continuous outstanding service.

Current Publicity Officer Frank Baker was presented with a bar for 10 years of service.

Current Secretary Lyn Freudenstein was presented with a certificate for fifteen years of service.

Tilla Davidson was also presented with a certificate for fifteen years of service. Chris Page was presented with a bar for thirty years of service.

The service of all past and present members is highly valued and new members are always welcome.

The Young Hospital Auxiliary will be holding their annual Soup Day on Friday the 19th of July, 11am to 2.30pm at the Young Town Hall. A variety of soups and breads will be available, followed by homemade slices and tea and coffee.

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