Tara Park Ram Sale Begins

IMAGE: The top sale at the Tara Park Stud annual Ram Sale on Monday, September 18 was a whopping $13,000.
Tara Park commenced its annual Ram Sale on Monday, September 18.
The Evans’, a local Boorowa family, owns and operates a stud where the primary goal is to continue producing big-framed sheep with superb conformation, soft, supple skins, and heavy-cutting, weather-resistant fleeces.
Typical Tara Park sheep are an impressive 18 micron.
The Evans’ achievements in show and sale rings have become vital for the stud’s success, which has resulted in gaining recognition nationally and internationally.
The local Catholic Primary School, St Joseph’s ran a canteen where you could make a small donation in exchange for the most delicious cakes and goods on the day of the sale.
Once everybody had a full stomach and had inspected the rams, the sale began.
Tara Park had its top sale of the day, $13,000, within the first three rams sold.
The day’s results surpassed many expectations, demonstrating the quality and potential of Tara Park sheep despite current market instability.
The stud had an impressive average of $2457.00 for the day.
Contact Tara Park through their website if you missed out on the opportunity to purchase one of their incredible rams at the sale.
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