The Court House Arts And Crafts Turns 30

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: The Court House Arts & Crafts celebrates 30 years.

Despite the comment in 1994 that “It (the Craft Shop) will probably only last for 12 months”, the organisation has lasted 30 years.

A morning tea will be offered to members of Boorowa to recognise the 30th anniversary of the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts on Tuesday, November 12 from 10.30 am.

Secretary Lorna Spackman said The Court House Arts & Crafts had become all that those people of 30 years ago envisaged.

“Grateful thanks are extended to the visionaries who worked so hard to conceive and implement the craft shop and for those who have continued to make this venture a success,” Lorna said.

The Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts Co-operative, also known locally as “The Craft Shop” commenced business on November 19, 1994.

No longer being used for local court, the building was offered to Boorowa Council who set up a committee to consider the formation of a craft shop due to the large vol

ume of arts and craft goods that were manufactured in town.

Over the years, The Craft Shop has faced challenges head on and moved with the times, from pen and paper through to Eftpos facilities and computer technology.

Lorna said The Craft Shop had been “home” to many women of Boorowa since the opening 30 years ago, providing a place for them to sell their homemade craft articles and a place of friendship, especially in times of trouble.

“A cuppa and a friendly face makes a world of difference to those experiencing a time of sadness,” Lorna said.

“Many visitors have arrived in unhappy circumstances and left feeling so much better after experiencing the friendly attitude of the staff. So it is much more than a shop.”

The Craft Shop is a wonderful avenue for local men and women to showcase the excellent quality of goods they make and an oasis of relaxation for weary travellers from 10 am to 4 pm seven days a week.

New members are always welcome - membership is not restricted to women - men have been involved over the years and currently the Boorowa Men’s Den is a member supplying woodwork items from their workshop.

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