Uniting Church Barbeque

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Members of the churches enjoyed the barbeque in the hall at Wattle Grove.

On Sunday the 29th of May 2022, approximately twenty members of Rye Park Uniting Church, Boorowa Uniting Church, and fellow Christians from Rye Park met and shared a lovely barbeque lunch together.

The lunch was originally going to be held at Chinaman’s Dam near Young, but due to a clear drop in temperature and the possibility of rain, Lillian and Gary Southwell from Rye Park kindly offered their property, “Wattle Grove” as an alternative.

Wattle Grove is not only a productive and beautiful property, but also contains a lovely warm hall, just right for hosting an autumn barbecue.

For those not in the know, Rye Park Uniting Church and Boorowa Uniting Church have joined forces over the last six months or so. What this means is that every fortnight, members of Boorowa Uniting Church worship at Rye Park Uniting Church, and members of Rye Park Uniting Church travel to Boorowa Uniting Church once a fortnight to participate in the church service there.

This has proved to be a big hit with the congregants in terms of having access to a range of top preachers with differing perspectives, expanding their biblical knowledge, and growing their fellowship circles.

The Churches decided on a barbeque lunch because there were five Sundays in May (two Sundays spent at Rye Park, two Sundays spent at Boorowa, and one Sunday spare).

While Gary and Lillian kindly provided the sausages, other participants contributed to the lunch by bringing along home-made spinach rolls, potato bakes, salad, and a range of tasty desserts.

All agreed it was a success and look forward to another month with a spare Sunday.

You can find out more about the Boorowa Uniting Church by calling the lay preacher, Bronwyn Fickel, on 0410 506 173. You can learn more about Rye Park Uniting Church by calling Gary Southwell on 6227 2238.

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