Why Hire A Landscape Designer

Written by: Glenice Buck

Designing Gardens For All Seasons

Are you sick of buying plants and they die or is your outdoor space not growing the way you imagined it would be?

You may need advice from a horticulturist or a landscape designer. A garden is not just pretty flowers, lawn and a few trees. Those outdoor spaces which you really enjoy using have a lot of thought put into their site preparation, their layout, their plant selection and placement.

These factors all need to be considered to ensure the success of a garden in the long term. It is ideal to seek advice from a landscape designer or horticulturist to help you create a garden that will grow, survive and thrive. You may have an established garden that needs rejuvenation or you may have a new home which requires a garden designed from scratch or you may just like to modify the garden you have.

The advantage of hiring a landscaper designer is they can create a master landscape plan for your garden which will take in the entire space.

Advantages of a Master Landscape Plan

Develop in Stages – As your time and money allows but will still give you a connection between all spaces, the areas will still flow and not be disjointed as you have a total plan for the entire site.

Save Money - By having this document you will also eliminate wasting money in areas which won’t be needed until a later stage in the garden’s development.

No backtracking - This plan should reduce the amount of backtracking you do in creating the garden and reduce the amount of waste you have to remove.

Future Use - A master plan will also consider how you want the garden to look in the years to come.

A Master Landscape Plan is an investment into the future of your outdoor space.

If you would like to book a landscape design or garden consultation please contact us on 0417077386

You can see many of our recent project on our website or on our Instagram page.

For more Garden News subscribe to my monthly FREE Garden Newsletter on my website.
Website - www.glenicebuckdesigns.com.au
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/glenice_buck_designs/

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