YADMA Combines Harmony Day With 10 Year Anniversary

Written by: Hilltops Council


IMAGE: Young and District Multicultural Association Inc (YADMA) celebrates their 10-year anniversary.

Last month, the Young and District Multicultural Association Inc (YADMA) celebrated their 10-year anniversary and Harmony Day with a gala dinner at Young Golf Club.

Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman and the Hon Stephanie Cooke MP were on hand to open the celebratory event.

YADMA President Josie Johnson also delivered a welcome address to those gathered.

The beauty of our multicultural community was on full display, with performances from a number of our cultural groups.

There were a number of cultural dances on the evening, including the Filipino Igurot Dance, the Indian Folk Dance or Punjabi Dance as well as Thai and Polynesian dances.

The Filipino Igurot Dance was performed by members of the Filipino community, while the Indian Folk Dance or Punjabi dance was brought to life by members of the Indian community.

MC for the evening was Brian Lorenz who brought a new level of entertainment to the evening, serenading and dancing with guests, and singing popular songs throughout the evening.

A multicultural fashion parade show-cased stunningly diverse costumes from different countries. Best multicultural costume in the female category went to Preetinder Kaur, followed closely by Ivy Belcher taking out second prize.

Erwin Biuemhoffer took out first prize in the male category, with Colin Durham in second place.

There were plenty of raffle draws and lots of prizes won, with all generated proceeds sent to the NSW Flood Appeal.

The whole group joined voices to sing We Are Australian following the fashion parade before cutting the anniversary cake and heading out onto the dance floor for some disco moves.

YADMA would like to thank the Hon Steph Cook MP, Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman and Councillor Mary Dodd for attending their special evening and for their ongoing support.

KP Carmody

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