Young Camera Club Holds Open House During Hilltops Off the Beaten Track

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Lyn Keating receives the Brian Hargraves Memorial Award from Judge Ray Bloor for her photograph Our Little Man.

Young Camera Club held its annual award presentations at its February meeting.

Winners of the 2023 Club Competition were congratulated, with Lyn Keating earning first in Subject and Liam Howard taking first in Open.

The President’s Encouragement Award went to Narelle Howard.

This year’s Brian Hargraves Memorial Award went to Lyn Keating for her photograph titled “Our Little Man”.

Brian Hargraves was an earlier member of the Camera Club.

Judge Ray Bloor, a good friend of Brian Hargraves, was thanked for his time and effort.

Visit the Porcelain, Photography and Pyrography Exhibition at the Burrangong Gallery, located at the Visitor Information Centre.

The exhibition includes photography by the members of the Young Camera Club as guest presenters as well as works by the Young Society of Artists.

The official opening, which includes morning tea is on Saturday, March 2 at 11 am.

The exhibition runs until Friday, April 12 and is part of the Hilltops Off the Beaten Track Art and Cultural Trail.

Everyone is invited to visit an Open House of the Young Camera Club and learn who they are and what they do.

Enjoy their photography display, with information available on photography and cameras.

The Club room is located at 2 Campbell Street, next to the Green Ivy Cafe, and will be open from Friday to Sunday, March 22 to 24 from 10 am to 3 pm.

Young Camera Club’s next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 13 at 6:30 pm in the club room.

Contact Gail on 0417 435 404 or Trevor on 0414 649 500 for more information.

2024-Our-Little-Man-By-Lyn-Keating-Brian-H-winnerIMAGE: Lyn Keating’s photograph Our Little Man earns her the Brian Hargraves Memorial Award.

SubjectWinner23Comp-Lyn-Keating-Presented-by-PresidentTrevor-FaulkesIMAGE: Lyn Keating receives her first-place award from Young Camera Club President Trevor Faulkes.

Boo Seeker

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