Young Hospital Auxiliary Plans Open Garden Day

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

A-Hosp-Aux-Exec--Regional-Rep-RH-end-(22-from-end-20220806 214118)

IMAGE: New executives of Young Hospital Auxiliary, Frank, Libby, Janice, Lyn, Gail, Rob and Nancy (Gillian absent) with UHA Riverina Representative, Liane Preinbergs.

The annual meeting of the Young Hospital Auxiliary was held on Thursday, August 4 at the Bowling Club.

It proved to be a very interesting meeting with two guest speakers and great plans underway for Spring-time Open Gardens. The Open Gardens, in support of the Young Hospital Auxiliary, will be held on Saturday, October 29.

We have several lovely gardens already listed for our enjoyment, but if you have been working hard in your beautiful garden and would like to share for the benefit of all, please contact Janice Ward or Lyn Freudenstein to discuss your garden’s inclusion.

UHA Riverina Representative, Liane Preinbergs of Tumut proved to be very interesting but also was hugely impressed with the achievements of our Auxiliary, how many members we have involved and the support of the local community.

She also chaired the election of Office Bearers, which resulted in the popular re-election of President, Janice Ward, Secretary, Lyn Freudenstein, Vice-President, Libby Plumley and Assistant Treasurer, Gail Smith.

Recently appointed Treasurer, Rob Nash was also re-elected unopposed.

Frank Baker continues as Publicity Officer and Gillian Wall will be our new Assistant Secretary.

B.-Hosp-Aux-Nancy-20yr-barIMAGE: UHA Riverina Representative, Liane Preinbergs presents Nancy McGregor with her 20-year bar.

Our Patron, Nancy McGregor was also re-elected.

Nancy was also presented with her 20-year service badge by Ms Preinbergs.

Well done, Nancy, very much deserved.

Hospital Site Manager, Lucy Dunstan gave the Auxiliary a very comprehensive overview of how busy the hospital has been in the last month.

You can still donate to the Auxiliary at the Return and Earn at IGA until October 16, so please keep bringing your recyclable bottles.

Every ten cents helps.

If you are looking for something to become involved in, why not consider joining our friendly group?

We welcome new members, and I’m sure you will find it very rewarding.

Membership is only $2.50.

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