Young Hospital Auxiliary Purchase New Items for Hospital

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Katrina Green demonstrating heel elevators to Secretary Lyn Freudenstein.

Katrina Green demonstrating heel elevators to Secretary Lyn Freudenstein.

Proceeds from the Young Hospital Auxiliary’s recent Mother’s Day stall have contributed to some useful purchases for the Young Hospital.

With the proceeds, the Young Hospital Auxiliary were able to purchase heel elevators and fall mats. Auxiliary President Janice Ward said, “The items bought were on the Hospital’s ‘wish list’ and will certainly add to the quality of patient care and comfort at our Hospital.”

The heel elevators are used to prevent pressures sores on patients who are in bed for long periods.

The fall mats are designed to notify the nurses station when somebody falls from a bed, or steps from a bed and is likely to fall.

Acting site manager Katrina Green showed members of the Hospital Auxiliary the new items at their last meeting. The Hospital Auxiliary is very grateful for donors, purchasers of raffle tickets and goods and those who attend their fundraising events. New members are always welcome.

The Auxiliary is now looking forward to their next fundraising event, their annual Soup Day, which is being held in the Town Hall on Friday the 19th of July.

Steph Cooke

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