Young Indoor Bowls Report

Written by: Young Services Club


Sonia Corcoran and Andrew Lesiuk enjoy their win at Young Indoor Bowls last week

Sixteen bowlers rolled up for a great night of indoor bowls at the Young Services Club on Wednesday, August 24.

Sonia Corcoran and Andrew Lesiuk were the night’s winners with 30 points. Close behind with 29 points were runners up Garry Pike and Mary Storm.

The group welcomed three new players - Toni, Samantha and John. Members are reminded that Young Indoor Bowls will be having a fun day on Sunday, September 22. New members are always welcome.

Indoor Bowls is played at the Young Services Club on Monday and Wednesday nights, meeting at 6 pm for a 6:30 pm start. For all entries, and any further information, contact Barry on 0400 987 684.

KP Carmody

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