Young Indoor Bowls Report

Written by: Young Services Club


Eric Gluyas, Wilma Moors and Barry Johnson enjoy their win at last week’s Young Indoor Bowls night.

It was another fantastic night of indoor bowls last Wednesday night, March 20, with 20 members playing three games of seven ends.

Barry Johnson, Wilma Moors and Eric Gluyas took out the night with three wins and 33 points.

Runners-up Sonia Corcoran, Chris Wright and Ruth Stein had two wins, one loss and 20 points.

Christine Jones took home the Club voucher.

The group welcomed Naomi, who joined them for the first time last week. Contact Barry at 0400 987 684 if you’d like more information about indoor bowls.

They meet at Young Services Club every Monday and Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm for a 7 pm start, and everyone is welcome.

Boo Seeker

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