Young Lions Lap The Map

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Join the Lions Club of Young to help them raise important funds to help them bring diabetes under control.

Did you know more than 300 Australians develop diabetes every day? That’s one person every five minutes.

Almost 1.9 million Australians have Type 2 diabetes.

That figure includes all types of diagnosed diabetes as well as silent, undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes, and almost 120,000 Aussies have developed diabetes in the past year.

This is the type of awareness that the Lions Club of Young NSW Inc will raise funds for this weekend when they host the Diabetes Awareness Walk, ‘With a Twist’ and ‘Lap the Map’ on Saturday, March 16.

Health complications associated with diabetes include:

  • Blindness;
  • Amputation;
  • Heart disease; and
  • Kidney disease.

Lions Club of Young volunteers will join other Lions Clubs from around the country and put on their walking shoes for the annual Lions Lap the Map for Diabetes event.

They aim to walk a combined distance that exceeds Australia’s circumference - 25,760 kms.

You can get behind the Lions by joining them for a family-friendly walk and taking along a gold coin donation.

All funds raised will go towards diabetes awareness, prevention and research.

These family-friendly walks encourage people to get outside in their communities to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness of the diabetes epidemic in Australia.

Registration will take place tomorrow morning at Anderson Park near the Lions barbecue area.

Participants will be asked to sign a release form when they register.

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