Young Society Of Artists Celebrating 42 Years

Young Society of Artists celebrates 42 years of supporting local artists and creating spaces for creative expression, including the Annual Cherry Festival Competitive Exhibition.
Were you aware that the Young Society of Artists was formed in 1982? Since that time, the dedicated and committed members have provided learning opportunities and supported artists, giving them access to art spaces and creative expression, including the annual Cherry Festival Competitive Exhibition.
Some of the founding members remain members to this day. YSA is a not-for-profit organisation striving to encourage public awareness and appreciation of fine art.
Where possible, YSA supports arts and cultural groups in the Hilltops Local Government Area with sponsorship, sharing equipment, representation or memberships and plays an important part in the cultural life of the Hilltops Shire. Membership of YSA reaches throughout the Hilltops Shire and beyond, with members in Grenfell, Temora, Cootamundra and Tumut.
Local YSA members work hard to organise at least nine exhibitions at Burrangong Gallery each year, with local and regional guest artists. The Town Hall has proven to be a wonderful venue for major annual exhibitions, due to its accessibility.
Two major annual exhibitions are The Annual Cherry Festival Competitive Art Exhibition and the Annual Lambing Flat Sculpture, Wood and Big Art Exhibition.
YSA offers an open art room and workshops for all ages and abilities who wish to practise their chosen art form. The incorporation relies on sponsorship, and their members and volunteers to make exhibitions a success.
YSA works with Hilltops Council, Hilltops Visitor Centre, Hilltops Arts Inc and Southern Tablelands Arts in staging cultural events as a part of festivals and promoting tourism to the region.
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