Young Women’s Bowls News

Written by: Young Women's Bowls

Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls

Seventeen members of the South West District travelled to Temora Ex Services Club on Tuesday, 11th August to support Ann Gardner (Young) playing in the Regional Singles Play-off against Kerry Davies from Lake Cargelligo. Ann played some wonderful bowls and was leading for the majority of the game, but the experience of Kerry surfaced, and she came out the winner, winning the last 4 ends – 25/17. A great effort by Ann who played in 4 SWD finals this year.

The Young Women’s Bowling Club AGM was held last Thursday 13th August with the following positions filled:
President - Heather Bailey
Vice President - Margo Parker
Secretary - Kathryn Betcher
Treasurer - Margaret Gailey
Selection/Match - Elsie Hines, Sheila Traynor, Margaret Glasheen, Judy Watson and Jill Rosen Communications Officer - Heather Bailey
Committee Member- Zita Farrell
SWD Delegate - Kathryn Betcher
Historian - Elsie Hines
Life Members - Dorothy Shepherd and Betty Powderly.

After the meeting, 10 members had a roll-up. Zita Farrell and Judy Watson played a singles game. Jenny Holt, Julie Alavoine, Kathryn Betcher and Margaret Gailey played a game of fours with Sheila Traynor, Jill Rosen, Therese Ruhl and Kate Cooper. This was practice for Kate’s team as they prepare for the Regional Open Fours play-off at Wagga at the end of the month.

The Thursday social day of bowls will now commence at 1pm. This is because of the wet weather impacting on the greens. They need to dry out so no bowls will be played by anyone in the mornings until further notice.

The monthly meetings will now commence at 11am for the time being, which allows time to enjoy lunch at the Club followed by a game of bowls.

The SW District Mixed Pairs Championship will be held this coming Saturday, 22 August at Cootamundra Country Club. All the best to those competing.

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