Young Women’s Cherry Festival Bowls Tournaments

Written by: Young Women's Bowls

Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls

The ladies at the Young Sporties Club held two very successful bowls tournaments this last week.

Starting with a women’s triples tournament on Wednesday & Thursday and a mixed pairs tournament on Saturday & Sunday.

The Triples tournament was conducted over five games with 20 teams competing from various parts of the state. The weather for the triples wasn’t too bad and the winners from Goulburn Railway Bowling Club were Jennifer Pearce, Maxeene Thompson & Christine Croker with 5 wins + 22. 2nd place went to Robyn Corby (Crookwell), Mel Bloomer & Jocilin Hayman from Engadine with 4 wins + 38.

3rd place we had Sharon Bohammer & Sharen Hubber (Cowra) and Margo Parker - South West Rocks with 4 wins + 29.

4th place Joy Young, Pam Lowe & Bobbie Cochrane from Castle Hill with 3 wins + 42.

The 5 game winners were:

Game 1: Sheila Traynor (Young) Sally Winter & Polly Pilcher (Tuggeranong)

Game 2: Sue Gault & Judith Mulligan (Grenfell) & Kate Cooper – Young

Game 3: Judy Kryger, Pam Watling & Di Brennan (Gundagai)

Game 4: Jenny Holt, Heather Bailey & Margaret Gailey – Young

Game 5: Ann Gardner & Lisa Boyd (Young) & Dianne Peisley- Harden

We have had really lovely feedback from all teams which is great to hear.

Our Mixed Pairs were run over the weekend and quite a few bowlers struggled with the heat Saturday afternoon so the committee made the decision to only play the 2 games on Sunday morning and we cancelled the 6th game due to extreme heat, a popular decision.

Tournament was won by local couple Russell & Lisa Boyd with 5 wins + 51. 2nd place John & Kate Cooper 5 wins + 37 also from Young and 3rd place went to Alan Schirmer & Lorraine Williams from West Wyalong with 4 wins + 39.

The 5 game winners were:

Game 1: John & Sally Hedger – Orange.

Game 2: Keith & Beth Fisher from Lake Cargelligo.

Game 3: Anni & Rob Steer – West Wyalong.

Game 4: Geoff & Jenny Holt (Young) and

Game 5: Tony Parkes & Fiona Hartwig – West Wyalong.

The winners of the June Brown Memorial Trophy for best local team not already in prize money went to Dianne Peisley & George Somerville with 4 wins + 22.

Our Young ladies can be very proud of their efforts in the running of these two tournaments and other than the hiccups with the hot weather over the weekend when we had to find bowlers from elsewhere to help us out in completing the mixed pairs all went off smoothly.

Thank you to Hussy’s Kitchen at the Sporties for our meals on all four days.

Thank you to all bar staff for keeping us all hydrated. Congratulations to all 100 hundred club and raffle winners. Well done Young Women’s Bowling Club at The Sporties.

Boo Seeker

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